Wednesday, February 23, 2011

From Mr.Cockroach

Dear two-legged creatures that claim that they are the King of Earth and had been killing my kinds off as if we are rabbits and dears or cows or something...alright maybe I should just cut down on the whole thing and start off...and I don't know how to write a proper letter to these insolent fickle minded creatures called humans....

Dear beloved humans,

Since the times of dinosaur, we have roamed the Earth. EVEN BEFORE YOU FILTHY HUMANS EVEN STARTED CRAWLING ON EARTH WITH YOUR FILTHY PAWS LIKE MONKEYS...!! Alright...I will try calming myself down..deep breaths deep breaths...HECK, YOU GUYS ARE WORSE THAN MONKEYS!!!

Alright...back to the topic, we were here before humans. And even when the great supposedly supreme dinosaurs went extinct because of the 'Great Depression', we still survived!! And yes, my ancestors were there to witness such an amazing phenomena. It was practically paradise for us. The volcano started erupting...spewing out the first batch of jelly beans and chocolate sundae all over the green pasture. It was beautiful....and well, the dinosaurs are either carnivorous or herbivorous, so they can't exactly eat jelly beans and stuff. But we cockroaches...that is a different story. We adore them!!! In fact till today, it is still in my genes, the love for jelly beans and chocolate sundae. (BUT HUMANS LIKE TO HIDE THESE DELECTABLE FOOD OF HEAVEN FROM ME!!!)

So, the main purpose that I am trying to emphasize that we were here before you guys were is because, we are more supreme and we are constantly being insulted. For example, there was this atrocious movie called 'Monster Vs Aliens'....where they depicted us, a great god-created being as.......







Oh my god.....they actually depicted cockroaches to be this dancing, crazy scientist that don't even have feelers long enough to attract the ladies!!!!  AND 4 LIMBS.....4 awful limbs....we have 6 just in case you missed counting when you kill us off!

In fact, talking about killing off cockroaches, *sob..sob...My cousin Penny, a lovely maiden she is, with long erotic feelers, sexy lean long limbs, and a shell so shiny, it rendered me speechless....until one day... *CHOKING WITH EXTREME GRIEF..!!!

Look at her....all dead and cold darling Penny,
I was going to marry her.....I..was going...*SOB!!!!!!

I even believe up to some point that cockroaches are the ancestors of humans. We stuck around longer, and humans are too dumb to figure from what they 'evolutioned' from...

(Actually some scientists matched our genetic components but the government refused to leak this information for fear of causing mass panic...but honestly I don't see the sense in that.)

Look, actually humans were supposed to look like this....

Or even like this......

And honestly...that would look way better than.....

a human...

Personally, I think God was sleeping off when the genetic reconstruction of evolution took place and turned a beautiful creature (cockroaches) into this ghastly, chinese looking blonde. Hmmm....complicating. We were less complicated. Long feelers and shiny shell, and we already look our best, none of those changing 'shells' problems. MAFAN....

And in case you guys are wondering what happens in your house when you guys are not around? 


Good luck sleeping peacefully tonight. Cheerios.

Mr Cockroach.

PS: Your poop had been tasting funny lately. I suggest you guys cut down on your fast food. ^o^


i often find them after my dinner XDD

Hey, stumble across your blog when I read about you in the star today.
Would like to see some of your published writings though.

Keep it up.

my published writings? oh dear...I don't think you can find it online though...if you want it, you can give me your email, I can send you one or two that were published. (of course, I will choose the best out of the 9 ones..) Hope you enjoy reading my article in STAR today.

Can't you post it somewhere? Like Scribd maybe? wait, are you allowed to do so? XD I've never seen your published writings before, as I wasn't reading the newspaper before that day when I saw your article.. If not, can you send me then? I should probably stay on topic shouldn't I? haha I'm sorry about Penny. She does look very very attractive.. ;) Maybe they shouldn't have take the shine out of our skins though.. Save us the money to buy all those blings... Then I'll glow in the sun too! Like Edward!

Hello. I saw you on the star newspaper few days ago. It seems like you're an official author! I love your article. :D

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