Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bryan C. : The Cheapskate

My article came out in STAR yesterday...and thank god, I can finally jack up the views on my blog...it was getting depressing...writing but nobody reading...aiz...So people, do me a favour, introduce this blog to all your friends and buddies and uncles and aunties and mothers...okay may be not parents, but your grandma and grandpa will do too!!! 

Anyway, today I am here to talk about Bryan. He is a boy in my class in college. And well he is a cheapskate. So let me just tell you snippets about Bryan. (Out to defame you, Bryan. That is what you get for winning by 2 marks in the Law paper...!!!!)

Bryan's philosophy....

I will never pay for a Starbucks myself! Look at the price.... THEY ARE ASKING YOU TO DRINK POISONOUS GOLD NUGGETS OR SOMETHING! The aircon is not even working!! And they expect us to pay government tax and service and charge and what not! Anyway, thank you Nicole for the Starbucks.

Club fees is 3 bucks???!!! 3 FREAKING RINGGIT! I could eat economy rice at the market for 3 bucks, with drinks somemore! Cutthroat ar you!!! (The market is a very very very very VERY VERY VERY faraway place, and yeah the food is crazy cheap, but you have to walk very very very very very VERY VERY VERY FAR. And if you dare say this line to Bryan....) SO WHAT??? WALK FAR ABIT GET CHEAP FOOD, SO DAMN WORTH IT. 

Nicole: Is the food at the market delicious? (market goer virgin)
Bryan: Delicious??!!! Delicious?!?!! Why the hell would delicious even matter?!!!  AS LONG AS IT IS CHEAP! DO YOU KNOW 3 RINGGIT CAN GET 3 DISHES AND DRINKS SOMEMORE???!!!
Nicole: =.= cheapskate. 

Bryan (eating french fries..bought by me of course...) : omg! RM3.80 for French Fries only? CUTTHROAT AR???? That is why I must eat the fries bite by bite and not swallow it down whole...i mean why finish one fries in one bite, when you can savour it in 5 small bites. Taste the same right?
Nicole: I am paying right? So quit complaining.
Bryan: But in the Market,  DO YOU KNOW 3 RINGGIT CAN GET 3 DISHES AND DRINKS SOMEMORE???!???!?!? HECK, with RM3.80, I could probably eat 1 and a quarter of economy rice at the market! 

(Eating at a lousy restaurant, service was slow, bill printed wrongly, food portion was small...)

(After complimentary cold burger *most probably wrong order from some other customer...damn, they might've spat into it or something*)
Bryan: I love this people! I will come here and more often...and I don't mind if the service is late! AS LONG AS I GET FREE FOOD!!!)

Jennis: I like guys that foot the bill on a date. Those that don't...so ungentlemanly..
Nicole: You are so gonna die old, lonely and moldy...

Nicole: What happens if your future girlfriend wants to go eat at Noodle Station or something?
Bryan: Bring her there. Tell her I am full. While she eats, cry in my heart. Then rush to the market to eat.

Ping Sheng: You not sien ar? Everyday eat at market.
Bryan: Cheap what! In market, for RM3 you get to eat.....

Why eat 3 meals when 2 meals are enough to make you full?

Bryan: I drink Milo in the morning with cereal.
Simon: But, why you dare to drink Milo, I thought you cheapskate.
Nicole: =_=" Sure his mother buy the Milo for him one, not his own money...
Bryan: Wah, you damn understand me hor...!



And yeah, Bryan created the MARKET PHILOSOPHY which I am too lazy to type out again...=.=
And as Bryan always say...as long as it is cheap and free, why the hell not.


Bryan C.
Relationship status: Single and looking
Dream Girl: Don't spend money and willing to go market with him
Philosophy: Market Philosophy

I HAVE HIS NUMBER! teehee!! 

Ps for those who haven't read the STAR article on 28th...and if you want to read lar....visit here..http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1728602489580&set=at.1519733587988.2079065.1073972824.100000829093765&theater

~Twitchy Nichii 


Bryan, its time to learn how to let go of something which is really important, the world is round and you dont expect the world to adapt to you, you should adapt to the world, if 3 bucks or so is such an important case to you, you really should be in THAILAND or INDONESIA for now, sooner or later those country will grow too..

do you understand the importance of being looked up at rather than being looked down.

I am standing here , no offence, but i've been in your shoes before, i used to cut my hair at a price of RM 5 or having a RM 10 meal complaining the hell out of everything, but now..

i cut my hair at either A CUT ABOVE / THOMAS & GUYS. I eat at restaurant, and i drink STARBUCKS often, i know my limits, gauge your limit and spend it , cause if you dont know how to spend, you wont know how to earn, its not like i am asking you to go STARBUCKS every single day!!!, i can afford that too, but i would be in debt..

be a gentlemen, bring girls out on a date , 1st time, to high class places and PAY !!! eat with them !!!

2nd date, MAMAK also can !! it doesnt show you aint gentlemen, it shows that you know how to spend the money, enjoy and suffer as well..

UNDERSTAND the concept and be a successor.. i changed once i became a tutor, having drinks at SOHO KL, almost every day.. nw, im working as sales i stay low weekdays but i spend during weekends...

lol Bryan's reputation is so gonna suffer LMAO story!! ROFL. btw to reply your comment, i haven't receive any cheques from Nuffnang but my friend had received it before. I don't have such high volumes of traffic & most ppl don't click. hahah. If u have facebook or twitter, I suggest u try this.


Again it pays quite reasonable for a click but u need to have RM100 to be able to cashout ; same company of nuffnang. In Nuffnang, you'll need at least RM50 to be able to receive the cheque. =)

If you really do have a high traffic, which i can forsee that, you should apply for Google Adsense. It pays in USD & the earnings are way higher than Nuffnang but you'll need USD100 before they send the money draft to you.

Very interesting blog though; I'd suggest adding some facebook widgets or a chatspace to improve traffic =). Till then!! =)

Read all your blog post and i have to say this, your writing has a way of captivating people. It's creative and original, not something I can do.

Bookmarked your blog. =D

thx, that means a lot to me~

Maybe you can suggest my blog to your friends?

Agree with Bleeding Heart."gauge your limit and spend it ". I am a student and drive a car, the oil price just keep increasing, sometime I need to control my spending on food. But sometime I still spend my money wif frens like eating at a restaurant and watching movie . We should learn to adapt to the world. Finally wanna give credits to Twitchy Nichii. Very creative post.

LOL!! Love the part where "Everybody:SHUT UP MAN!!" Funny!! ^^

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