Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One Day as Bryan C.

I did not update my blog for what? 7 days? And people went like...YER...this girl is inactive one! Hey come on, the girl has a life apart from writing and blogging alright??? To be honest I was working on an essay for a competition. BUT STILL???? YOU GET WHAT I FREAKING MEAN RIGHT???

And plus I had been having blogging block...or writer's block....I don't know what you hip people call it...BUT I DON'T HAVE AN IDEA ON WHAT TO BLOG ABOUT! Because I am not the type of blogger that just goes on and on and on and on about their day. Yes, that is an outlet for them to vent. This blog? Nah...its for the fun of writing interesting and wacky things or even..sometimes day to day vents and ARGH! I AM SO BEING HYPOCRITCAL.

Anyway back to the topic, I had decided that I will live like Bryan for a day. So...yeah, as the market philosophy go...MARKET FOR BREAKFAST!


And as Sifu Bryan would say, delicious is not important! Its that it is 3 bucks that count!!!!
And in case you guys are wondering how does it taste like? Lets just say its the same dishes everyday, so lucky for me, I am just going to try living like Bryan for only ONE day, because god knows, maybe after a week of this, I might grow into a Bryan....yikes!!! MY HAIR IS GOING TO DROP OFF AND I AM GOING TO GROW A...okay...the 'chap fan' from the market is definitely screwing my brain. 

(PS: I know its too early in a post to add a 'ps', but just to clarify things, when I say live like Bryan for a  
        DAY...I mean food and spending wise....which is food wise...ARGH, YOU GET IT!)

And well after that I was thirsty but no....I can't spend money on such a trifle thing such as drink....

Water from Water Dispensary: Free/ Priceless..

I just have to bring an empty bottle to class and fill it up with water at the college's water dispensary. AND WAHLA! FREE WATER. HAHAHA!!!! The feeling of not using any money at all is very very very....i don't know...I would leave that for the conclusion of the day...

Alright, moving on to lunch, I am back home at 12pm. All hungry....and there must be some way to save money and still be full and then I got a strike of brilliance!

Maggi and Water: RM1.69 and Free

Look, there it is....I am glad that when they made this pre-packed food for the war people or the astronauts before we were even born, some brilliant man came up with the idea of selling to us commoners....wait...did astronauts exist then...ARGH, let me just tell you the history of maggi hot cup.

Once upon a time...

In a kingdom Far Far Away....

There lived an astronaut that hated Maggi Hot Cup. And everytime he went out to space, he dreaded the time when he felt hungry because he did not want to eat that horrible pre-packed space food. And one day, he got so fed up of eating it, he started eating his fellow astronauts.

(.....PG18 scenes....)

Then, when he came back down to Earth, the SAOTW (Sherrifs Association of the World) locked him up....and forced him to eat more Maggi Hot Cup as his punishment...and after 200 years of being locked up...( Astronauts live longer. I think.) He was released, he was very angry at the world that time because after all those years of wasting his youth in prison, he became old. And very old man does not go well with the local girls in bars. So he vowed to take revenge of the world, and commercialize the awful Maggi Hot Cup and tried to force the whole world to depend on Maggi Hot Cup when you are poor and broke, or just plain cheapskate!!!

The End.

Alright, enough of that. Let us moved on to the afternoon tea. People would usually go for Starbucks...and spent like a fortune to get a coffee (trying to get into the Bryan mindset)..So I had decided to be rather innovate or should I say cheapskate by....

Ipoh White Coffee: Free
 (Bought by mum mar!)

And plus, it is from Ipoh. Bryan is from Ipoh...Ahhh, I am playing my part to the ultimate perfection. I would like to add that this Ipoh White Coffee is rich and creamy (I am totally copying whatever written on the packet. And it is cheap, and seriously coffee taste all the same to me, so it doesn't really matter...just a bit lazy to wash the cup lar or boil the water lar...You know lar. If ask the maid to do it, will that be considered cheating?? (I did not ask the maid to do it for me, I made the coffee myself okay???!!)

Then, we have to have dinner..

Porridge and Soup and Water: Free Free Free

You want to eat noodles the whole day isit? Must have variety mar! So for dinner, I ate porridge, somemore got soup and water. I mean...is that not amazing???? I know some people are doubting the existence of instant porridge but...

Read my lips...I mean read the label.


And of course supper, nothing beats a vegetarian meal and cocoa!!

Seaweed Mushroom Noodles and Milo: Free and Free

Well....what do you think???? Did I not achieve my Bryan-ess today? I mean I only spent RM4.95 today! HecK! I am even more amazing than Bryan!!! 

Can't wait to eat like a normal functioning human being tomorrow. 


=.= Twitchy Nichii


Nice one! Have you considered getting a cbox?

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