Friday, February 11, 2011

Movie Review: The Last Airbender or Avatar

When i say AVATAR. What instantly pops into your mind?

Blue aliens...on a planet called Pandora?


Guy with blue arrow on his head?

I searched Google Image for 'Avatar' and guess what? The guy with blue arrow on his head definitely rules Google! (Scarcely any blue aliens lurking about...guess the blue aliens are just too scared of the 'blue-arrow' guys four elements power)

Personally, when i saw Avatar (the blue alien one), I was like 'Dang, if blue arrow guy wants to come out with a big screen appearance, what will the movie name be?' And apparently, the answer is simple, lose the word 'Avatar'....which is basically the core of the whole story....=-="

Now...Let us talk about The Last Airbender first...

Lets just say, from the start to the end. I was a sceptic. Well, you would be if you are greeted with a white acting as an alaskan (in my opinion, Alaskan looks a bit mongolish)

Look, let me give you clear examples....


You know, i kinda understand why they casted Dev Patel as Zuko...
People just wanna bank in on his success in Slumdog Millionaire.
(Although personally, i think the real star in Slumdog millionaire are the kids...All Dev Patel did was
grin...act smart...and you don't even get to see him get beaten!!!! You call that an acting prodigy???)

But still Dev Patel is cute...

and innocent...

and smiley....

I mean look at the picture! Haiz....

And when Dev Patel acts mean...he just look pitiful....

I found this picture when i was googling Zuko...and whoever this guy is...he is way cuter...and definitely look the part too.....=_=" Casters...this is the guy you should choose....

 Plus, Zuko's Uncle (General Iroh)....

Look, Dev Patel looks Indian...i mean he acted as one in Slumdog Millionaire!
And well this is his supposed Uncle...seriously...whoever the caster is....he or she is either 
colourblind or...she just loves to be in a multi-racial family (which is a good thing...but not in this case)

And well Katara...Don't even make me go there....
The hair? The skin?............It is better to cast Dev Patel as Katara instead...

Just put him in a wig and huala!!! He looks the part! 

Come on people, just imagine it...a wig...some makeup...THERE TOLD YA!!!

And Sokka...Well, he didn't look the part, but i can say that his acting skills rather make up for it.
Because he is not at all likable. If he is...then they should just scrape the actor alive.

I have to admit the visual effects are great though. I love the whole ice castle thing. But the princess...haiz...
her name is Yue right? And she is given life by the moon spirit right? 'Yue' is mandarin for moon. And the girl
...does not look anywhere near a chinese.

I took a look at the cartoon version and found out that it is heavily influenced by Chinese culture...
and the only convincing casting they ever made is when the trio visited the Earth area. Now that
is accurate!!!

And Aang...even though he looks nothing like the character but i forgive him....

he is just so likable....*o*

I mean...look at Harry Potter the Movie.

Book Cover:

and Daniel Radcliffe:

Still least they are from the same country.... 

Overall, the movie leaves you with a sense of....Narnia...and...well...Malaysia...

And talk about the AVATAR movie. Yes the one with blue tails...

I have just one thing to say....IT IS SO VISUALLY PLEASING!!!

Love the background, not much of the aliens. But the settings and backgrounds just
transports you to a whole different dimension....

The winning point...definitely the background....

In 3D....they are mind-blowing.....

And of course the fact that i LOVEEEE that girl pilot (Michelle Rodriguez....) is just an understatement of the year....

She look so COOOOOOLLLLL.....

Final note: I know these movies are so damn long ago. Call me outdated. But i think both of these movies should be reminded to everyone. Because the failure and the success of our movie industry is clearly etched in these two movies....'AVATARs...."

~Twitch Nichii....


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