Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mirror On the Wall (Published in STAR 2010)

The mirror on the wall, gazed painstakingly at Snow, the fairest maiden of them all, her skin was as fair and pale as the purest snow during winter, her long dark ebony hair cascading down her shoulders, and her eyes, that dark coal eyes were now empty, her eyes swollen from tears. The mirror on the wall felt so much pain, so much sorrow, looking at her in such a state. The mirror loved Snow White with all his heart, and he would do anything, just anything to make her happy, but he knew, he was the one; he was the one that led her to this sorrow. Just like the previous month, Snow looked up at the mirror, her eyes empty…lifeless…and soft pale lips moved slowly, forming the words, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, show me my prince now…”
The mirror on the wall winced, he knew he could not defy her, it was the curse that the witch, Snow White’s mother that had put upon himself, to show whatever your owners desired. He gazed at her once again, and asked softly, “Dear Snow, is that really what you want…? Maybe another day perhaps…maybe, we can postpone this.”
Snow hugged her small frail body, as if she was trying to hold herself together and then she nodded weakly. The mirror had no choice, an image of Prince Charming kissing a beautiful princess that seemed to be in deep slumber appeared. The mirror quickly faded that image away, and the mirror hated himself, hated himself for showing her…for showing her that stupid prince’s way. Snow hugged herself even harder, and tears started pouring down her cheeks again. The mirror kept silent. He hated himself, but he hated Prince Charming even more. Last month, Prince Charming was off climbing a rather high tower by that maiden’s long braid. A few months back, he was flirting with a girl with a fish tail. Only last week, when Snow White requested the same favour of him again…the mirror had reluctantly showed her an image of Prince Charming dancing with a girl, with the tiniest feet possible, in a pair of glass shoes.
The mirror abhorred Prince Charming, more than anything in the world. That stupid young boy, cheating maidens of their love everywhere he goes. That stupid young boy that thought of nothing else but his supposed charm and good looks. That grin that he gave when he knew he had captured the girl’s heart. How could he? How could he make her fall in love with him and just leave? How could he leave weak little Snow just like that, with his false promises of returning? How could he leave her alone...leave her crying after could he? The more the mirror thought of the prince, the angrier he got. He gazed at the crying Snow adoringly...How could anyone not love such an exquisite little creature...? The mirror loved Snow...loved Snow with all he had...he loved watching her small lips upturned into a smile, it was as if a beautiful flower had blossomed and the whole room bright with her radiance. The mirror loved watching her do her stitching...the way her dainty fingers danced...she was mesmerising...
The mirror had been jealous, very jealous when the prince came and whisked Snow away from him. The mirror was mad, but it soon settled to remorse...but she came back...she came back battered...and weak...and abandoned...The mirror on the wall whispered into the wind... “Let me be your prince darling...let me be your prince...”

Snow White, at least the way I see it.

Ps: There you guys of my published work. Tell me how you feel after you read it okay? Leave lots of comments for me...please..


lol. more like bella from twilight to me. xD

I felt it was a dark version of the original one. This was more emotional compared to the original.

U r welcome. It's very creative. Hope to c more of it.

Wow, you are one gifted writer. Its amazing how you turn a normal fairy tale into this. In fact, its kinda refreshing to read a fairytale that doesn't end with 'Happily ever after'. Feel really sorry for the snow white

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