Saturday, August 13, 2011

Girly Stuff Ahead. Move to Next Post if not interested.

Saucepan Girl

My new contact lenses finally came!!!!! 
Okay they are not exactly new. I had tried them on before. And I am just buying the lens that I am very sure will look good on me as I am going off to China and using china contact lenses on my eyeballs..sound kinda scary to be honest. (coming from a girl that is soon to be labelled ‘made in China’).
I don’t wanna open them yet though. The agents usually tell me that the lenses can last for a year (and just to clarify things they are ‘made in Korea’). But there is no effing way that I am going to put them on for a whole year! But if you are on of those people that are totally believing the amazing greatness of a RM24 pair of contact lens that can last for one whole year, go ahead.
Heck the RM100++ pairs can last only 6 months max. And call me prize conscious, but hey its common sense. 
So, the one I bought is called ‘Sugar Candy’ Hazel. I am going to show you some past pictures of me wearing this. 

and this is me in Sugar Candy Blue

AND...kira kira grey

there a bigass pic of me when i was thinner? LOL. Ok lar, I think I am not really that fat right now. 
I think...God, a girl's mind is so freaking complicated.

They are both 16mm. Yes, I only wear 16mm. Call me superficial. Yeah I am, you wanna know why,
because I know I am vain.

Shoot me, sue me. 

It is my right to be vain.

And it is YOUR right to be vain too. Don't be ashamed about wanting to look pretty. 

If you think you look pretty au naturale, it is your right. That is your sense of vanity. 

For me, hair and contacts. 

Make-up? Too young for that yet in my opinion.

I am straying far away from the subject, both the contacts are to my pleasure, examplary. And I think if you ever wanna try a new contact, you should go with Sugar Candy first.

And if you want to see more people with this, here is it.

Its like I am trying to advertise for this contact lens....=.=

Nah just helping out. For anyone that wants to know that is. ^.^

And if you think this post is just simply bimbotic, then don't read it dummy!


And if you think mermaids and armpits are bimbotic also, whatever. 

Go sink your head in a hole. 

Saucepan Girl 


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