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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dream big, but will I ever get there?

Saucepan Girl

I dream big, real big, real big as in I will be able to afford a BMW first hand sports car in 3 years with my own money. Go on, call me crazy, like every other person had done.

I have this mind that is like making crazy ideas machine. And yet...till now, I can't fulfill any one of it because of one big problem:


Heck, with all the ideas brimming in my head, I have to be brought on to reality that I am not some rich tycoon's kid and I am not as lucky as them to inherit a freaking company. Some of them even choose not to take their parent's empire and instead pursue some other stupid-cannot-make-money ambition. I mean...these are the people that are at the i-have-everything-i-want level, and that they don't want to make do of what they have and make more. 

I know. You guys can say what all my family say to me.


But to me, it doesn't really matter if I am rich or just moderate when I am old. For me, I WANT TO BE SUPER FREAKING HELL RICH AS YOUNG AS I CAN WITH MY OWN MEANS!!! 


You might say its for show. And I am gonna tell you,


IT IS FOR SHOW, sue me! 

I mean, all of us students rushing for higher education. First Class Honours, Degrees, Masters, Doctorates, Ivy Leagues...All of us that aim for this, for what?

To SHOW our parents that we are not failures.

To SHOW big companies that they should hire us and give us a buckload of money.

To SHOW people that heck I am a Phd holder and excuse me you really should call me 'doctor' instead of Ms.

To SHOW interviewers on our resumes that we had slaught thru thousands of exams before we appear before you. 

If you say it is for self satisfaction, HECK, do you think Mark Zuckerberg is regretting dropping out from Harvard when he is Forbes top 100 most whatnot guy??

There is just something different in being successful when you are really young...
There is just this amazing feeling when I imagine myself buying my first Bentley with my own earned money, without worrying about having to live on cabbages and tap water for the rest of my life. 

There is just something different about not worrying about money anymore when I am young.  Hell, a big spender and brand-minded person like me will most probably spend the most money when I am young. Heck, I want to retire by 40. By 40, all I want is to buy a nice country house with a really big nice garden and spend the rest of my life there with a husband that loves me so much. 

And I truly believe, that if I don't stop trying, one day in the very near future, I will be driving a Bentley around the small town of mine and tell the folks that all gave that annoying tsk tsk once, 'Watch me, this is the girl that did not get a JPA scholarship beeyatches!'

God bless your souls. 

Because one day, I will be one of the best, and one of the youngest to do it. 

(Without being a celebrity..I really don't want to go thru what Justin Bieber had to go through)

Signing off,
Saucepan Girl

Thursday, July 28, 2011

KFC O.R Quarter Chicken With Black Pepper Sauce Review


That would be me chasing Mr Cheese around with a saucepan. HE is wayyyyyy too busy to even write a blog post. =.= So he deserved some less than delightful spanking on the head.

But on the other hand, here is a review for the KFC O.R QUARTER CHICKEN WITH BLACK PEPPER SAUCE. (Try saying that in a single breath) These people really should sack their PR people because this name is not catchy and it gives old people cardiac arrests by saying it out.

(I know I know. I let Mr Cheese be the scapegoat. He deserves it..bastard.)

But apart from the name, I guess it looks nice. Here is their advert.

See, I even gave it a nice backdrop. With the trees and the straight empty road.
All complimented by the dewy rain. 

Damn, I should be a professional.
But I know, I know lousy image quality.
HEY, ITS A 2.5MP CAMERA OK? Consider very HO LIAO already ok???

Blackberry camera seriously needs an upgrade....cannot be like Sony 
Erricson meh, cybershot this cybershot that. So yeng nia...

So, when it first came its like this, Yeah the black pepper sauce is separated.
So it kinda looks like the advert except they gave less corn *grumble grumble
And the bread looks more...hard? 


Give you one lousy ugly picture of me going to KFC alone...
(Stupid Mr Cheese is off for his studies already and he is such an ass for
not sending me a hot hunk of a replacement to go for food testing with me...)

Okay, now after I pour the sauce alllllllll over it. It looks like 


I know, I know, IT ACTUALLY LOOKS GOOD!!!!!!

So much difference to a normal piece of KFC chicken by just pouring sauce all over it....^.^

Well that was till I bite into it. 

The Butterscotch Bun is so...stale. 
Its like its been lying in a tupperware for days, wishing and wishing upon a picture of Colonel
so that one day someone would come and pick it and place it next to that *wolf whistle* sexy piece of quarter chicken. 

And when finally its out. 

People complain it sucks. 


See, even Butterscotch buns have aging issues. 

KFC really should have a bake daily policy to keep their
buns fresh. Because fresh buns really make someone's day.

(No pun intended)

Let me take a drink first before I continue my nonsentical rantings.

But after I dug in. I realized that blackpepper sauce is not bad. In fact, they are not stingy about
black pepper. You can actually feel it..the ooomph. You know?

Heck, I think if you are looking for something blackpeperish and affordable.
This should be good. Cause it comes with a drink too. 

Now I sound like I am advertising.


But KFC i have a suggestion. How about pouring the cheesy wedges sauce and 
mashed potato sauce over a quarter chicken the next time you come up with another
attention seeking product. 

Damn...that will really be the bomb. 

So yeah, people, this is something that you can definitely try out and not feel as if you wasted your money. 

That is if you manage to not get a cardiac arrest at the ordering counter.

You can go and check it out here. Have fun.

By Saucepan Girl

These reviews are just personal opinions of the bloggers and it may differ from people to people...and under the Human Rights Act 1997, they do reserve the right to publish their opinions in media form. These reviews are in no way paid or forced to be written as to defame the store. Watch Ratatouille, bad reviews are legal. If you have a different opinion, that is your right. And feel free to hate us or love us. 

All third party content belong to the respected owners unless otherwise stated. All images are copyright to ©NEXON from the popular MMPORG Maplestory.  All rights reserved. Images are created for entertainment purposes onlyBackgrounds are credited to bsbackground.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sakae Sushi Review by SAUCEPAN GIRL

Saucepan Girl

Yes, its one of those famous conveyor belt japanese sushi chain restaurants. And here is the thing, it had gotten the best brand award last year for the japanese food category. And I am here to say bulxxxx. Okay, I really shouldn’t start a food review with a preconception of how it is. 
So let us move on to the decor, I would say the concept is fairly okay. And I really like that every counter has their own computer to pick from the menu. Quick and easy. I like it. If only those computers were iMacs...I swear to god I will scream and say we are so coming here every day. 

And oh dear holy god, the food on the menu looked so goddam delicious, I felt like eating the menu itself. And considering the food that came after we ordered, eating the menu might’ve been a better idea. 

Yeah, yeah, whoever that went in because the menu look so uber good, you guys are so punked. 
Heck, I was punked...=.=

We ordered the most simple sushi dish that will easily set the standard of the sushi restaurant-a normal salmon sushi. 

And I don’t know how in the world can a salmon sushi actually taste like...we will just rest with the description ‘horrible’. The rice was cold...and definitely not fresh. I think they just froze Malaysia’s rice and squeeze it into an oblong shape and pray that it sticks or something. If that is not, I am sorry, that is just how it taste like. And if they insist they are using japanese rice. Maybe they should just consider switching to Malaysian rice and freeze it instead because I am very sure it taste the same and is cheaper too. 

And the salmon, the WORSE thing that could happen to a salmon happened. 
Its limp and dead....Okay, fine I was just joking. The worse thing that could ever happen to a salmon is that the salmon is not fresh. And yes people...its not fresh. Mr Cheese was giving this weird expression after putting it in his mouth. 

Then I ordered my favourite sushi dish-Soft shell crab maki. This one was with sesame seed. Okay this is my personal non-preference, the sesame seed I mean, so I won’t penalize them on the sesame seed part. I just scraped them off, desperately. And after putting that piece of sushi with the protruding soft shell crab leg, I wanted to cry. These people just killed my little soft shell crab maki loving soul in me. The leg was soft...and I know, despite it being a SOFT shell crab, it just means the shell won’t break your teeth when you bite into them, not all waterishly soft, if you know what I mean. 
WHERE IS THE CRUNCHINESS???????? ToT *breaks down and cry*

And then the other soft shell crab maki with the cheese thing. Let us not go there.

Then we ordered this RM20++ scallop with cheese. There were 4 scallops, and credit to them, the scallops were huge and juicy. But the cheese paste...was so could cure any lack-of-sodium patients in the hospital. Heck I think they should patent this, they could actually save a lot of lives. So yeah...there we are, having the ‘saltiest’ time of our lives. 
And the price, for the quality of food we just ate? 
One Word: Overkill.
And yeah, you bet I asked for a feedback form. 

BUT ONE THING I HAVE TO SAY, their food presentation is very examplary. And I am not being sarcastic.
Despite the super sad review, if you still want to try it out, be my guest, I am not stopping you. But I hope all of you understand, that I am just trying to be a loving japanese food chain restaurant mother, don’t you know critiques can help you grow and improve? :P
These reviews are just personal opinions of the bloggers and it may differ from people to people...and under the Human Rights Act 1997, they do reserve the right to publish their opinions in media form. These reviews are in no way paid or forced to be written as to defame the store. Watch Ratatouille, bad reviews are legal. If you have a different opinion, that is your right. And feel free to hate us or love us. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Mr. Cheese fights back with CHEESE

If Pizza Is... Made From Worms (revised version)
 - by Mr. Cheese

My apologies for the mishap…( referring to a deleted pose) After going through the disgusting pictures in my post she seduced me into the room, tied me up to a chair, kissed me… and poured all the expensive cheese out the window… NO!!!!!!)

What if pizzas are only made of WORMS?

Yeah, I’m talking about ugly, slimy, oogey - boogey, longy, thiny, wiggly, slurpy worm...

not like this...
(They are NOT real worms, just chocolate ones... I don't want saucepan girl to waste anymore precious cheese)

close but still and no no...

 Yeah, that's what I'm talking about...!!!

 What if  pizzas are made of...

Then, your pizzas will look like rocky terrains, seasides, castles, abandoned cities or even chilly ice bergs, with all the little warriors swarming over them. People wouldn't mind if while they are eating their delicious pizzas, they hear a wooohooo, weeeheee or "Fire in the hole"...
Your pizza will most likely look somewhat like this

Nothing special, Oh ya, look closely, you'll see this...

(P.s. take full precaution while consuming your worm pizza, you ought to dress up like them...

Trust me, you don't want to end up like

while eating the first slice of your $30++ pizza)


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