Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What does F**K really mean? (PG13)

When I came to college, I realized that sometimes things are just so....**** up that you just have to start swearing. OR even at some lousy people. And come on people, don't you think the F word is getting kinda old. So, just a few days ago, I came out with the most amazing swear sentence that anyone in this world could come up with.

Wait for it... 

Wait for it....





Look, it may not sound THAT INTERESTING. But try it.

Go on, say it. (With a british accent, and if you can't, just manage something that sounds like that)

It sounds way more interesting and honestly speaking, way more insulting.

Heck, I will be so nice as to provide you a definition.

F**K- Have sexual intercourse with.

(I mean, when you say f**k you, do you really want to have sexual intercourse with? For example, that old spinster lecturer that keeps on giving you homework and has smelly feet? I SERIOUSLY DOUBT SO!!!!)

Or even... What the F**KING hell just happend? 
(Translation: What the HAVING A SEXUAL INTERCOURSE WITH Hell just happened?)

I mean...0.O...does not even make any sense right?

Now back to my amazing swear sentence.


Psychotic: Symptoms of severe mental disorder
Bimbotic: think 'blonde'
Narcissistic: excessive or erotic interest in oneself and in one's physical appearance.
Erratic: unpredictable
Nincompoop: A foolish or stupid person.

The POINT is...it sounds more damn bloody insulting right?



It's kinda like a tongue twister! Hahaha, but I love it!!! I'm gonna start swearing like that!!!! Lemmi try saying bimbo instead of bitch. Oooh, this sounds fun!

ROLMFAO!!!!! U forgot Pathetic in there ;D It is awesome ..

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